Support Request: Error connecting USB devices in Setup stage


We are just imaging and testing our Teguar tablets with SiteKiosk. This error appeared after plugging in wireless components for the install process. They were since removed and the kiosk restarted. Is there somewhere in the Admin console we can allow these-even temporarily. Device in question: ANA-KIOSK02

Answer: (1)

Re: Error connecting USB devices in Setup stage 11/15/2024 3:16 PM

Thank you for your inquiry. There is a feature in your project settings to block all new USB devices: You can explore the project assigned to that device from Monitoring >>Device Name>>Overview. In the project, click on Settings, then Security>>Peripheral devices. You can try choosing "Only block storage devices". Save the change and Publish to the client. If you have many clients to this project and only want to make changes to one device, you will need to duplicate the project before publishing.

To create a snapshot of all the allowed devices currently connected to the device that you would like to allow, you will need to close the client software and log into your admin account. Open the Quick Start Menu>>Configure local machine>>Plug & Play devices>>Settings>>Create Snapshot: . If a new device is plugged in, not on this list, you will get this message based on the security settings in your currently assigned project.

Best regards,
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