Ticket ID: 26210
Creation Date: 4/21/2022 6:05 PM
Product: SiteKiosk Classic Windows
Attachment: -
TicketType: Support Request
Version: 9.9.6127
Language: English
Views: 9023
Last Modification Date: 5/20/2022 3:56 PM
Level: Closed
Support Request: SiteKiosk Proxy and Chrome Browser
We are have some troubles with SiteKiosk when our PC use proxy.
First, when SiteKiosk browser is running and we want to access to configurator we have an error : "
This page cannot be displayed - Verify that the web address
http://localhost:8889 is correct."
We must quit SK to finally launch the configurator from Windows Desktop.
However, we configured our Internet Options correctly.
We exclued local pages and add ";localhost*;
http://localhost*" in our exceptions.
Then, we failed to configure auto proxy logon with Chrome Browser (we need it)
Is there an alternative method to bypass authentification ?