Ticket ID: 22393
Creation Date: 2/22/2016 10:50 AM
Product: SiteKiosk Classic Windows
Attachment: -
TicketType: Support Request
Version: 9.1.3345
Language: English
Views: 32034
Last Modification Date: 3/21/2016 11:24 AM
Level: Closed
Support Request: Use of Sitekiosk with Chrome browser mode and accessing facebook
I have an end customer who requires to lock-down their kiosk system which we have designed the hardware for them. The roll out of this is expected to be many hundreds of kiosks but we have a problem with locking-down the computer. Previously the customer has not locked-down in any way as the solution has no keyboard but a significant new customer for them requires that the kiosk is properly protected - hence looking into Sitekiosk.
We use the siteKiosk software for many of our standard kiosk builds and have attempted to use it for this end customer. Their application has been developed to work in Chrome only.
Our kiosk has Windows 8.1 Embedded Industry Pro and we downloaded the latest version of Sitekioks - 9.1.3345
I can run the customer application on the kiosk using Chrome and not using sitekiosk and it works so it's not hardware or OS related. When running with SiteKiosk the basic software loads but fails at a point when it tries to connect to Facebook. On normal chrome mode facebook login appears as a pop-up but in Sitekiosk the login appears to go full screen. Once logged in the application should then retrieve photos from
Facebook. Again, this works when not running under Sitekiosk.
Here's a link to the application.