AI – SiteKioskā„¢ Kiosk Solution & Digital Signage Fri, 08 Sep 2023 07:09:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 First AI-based feature developed for SiteKiosk Online Mon, 28 Aug 2023 09:18:52 +0000 In recent months, the prototype of an AI-based product advisor has been developed, which presents suitable product suggestions and information with the help of targeted questions and answers.

The combination of artificial intelligence and modern kiosk technology raises the shopping experience in stationary retail to a higher level. By analysing the questions and wishes entered by the customer, the AI determines which products and offers could be interesting for the user and presents them graphically and with detailed background information. It is possible to be guided through the product range by means of suggested or own questions in order to find the desired tablet or smartphone at the end of the process.

The architecture of PROVISIO’s AI Product Advisor is generally reminiscent of the very well-known AI software ChatGPT. The data basis of the AI advisor contains all essential information of the product range and can be permanently extended by feeding in knowledge from heterogeneous data bases (operating instructions and manuals).

Thanks to the extensive data sets, the AI is also able to answer previously unpredictable questions. An example is the question of how to activate a certain function within a smartphone or tablet: For example, if a customer wants to know how to activate the GPS function of a smartphone, the AI product advisor can directly present the corresponding instructions, whereas a human employee might have to look in the physical manual first. It is important to mention that the user manual must be included in the data source in digital text form to enable semantic search. The AI product advisor therefore not only helps customers in the product discovery phase, but can also be supportive for employees on site to avoid lengthy look-ups in user manuals or similar.

Extensions of the prompts and the data sets are implemented manually. This makes it possible to respond to search trends or to implement new products and special offers in the data set. Obsolete data can also be easily removed.

Stationary retail for smartphones and tablets serves as a first example of how an AI application can be combined with a kiosk solution. With the help of the AI connection, products outside the norm or markets for niche products can also reach end consumers in a more targeted way.

The PROVISIO team will be happy to answer any further questions you may have about integrating AI into kiosk projects and also to conduct live presentations!


Tel.: +1 (305) 974-1952
