A core function of SiteKiosk Online is the effective protection of digital kiosk applications against manipulation and system outages. As software, SiteKiosk Online also takes over the design, centralised management and real-time monitoring of the digital media technology used. In combination with fire protection-optimised and certified digital info displays from gekartel AG, there are many new possible uses for digital media technology in sensitive areas such as public spaces. Digital building panels in the housing and property industry are among these applications and are installed in sensitive areas such as entrance areas, stairwells or escape routes.
The German company gekartel AG has focussed on the fire hazard potential and the risk of fire arising from digital media technology. On the one hand, components such as a light metal housing with a very low fire load are used. An expert opinion from MPA Dresden GmbH certifies that there is no increased fire load due to the fire protection monitors with touch. In accordance with DIN EN 13823 and DIN EN 13501, complete fulfilment of all criteria for the classification of non-combustible and flame-retardant building materials (for building material class A2-S1, D0 or B-S1, D0) has been certified. In addition, gekartel has added the first VdS 6024-certified series devices with device-integrated fire protection to its product portfolio.
Classified as electrical appliances, digital domestic panels entail an increased risk of fire. Around 33% of all building fires are caused by electrical appliances. This percentage is the leading cause of fire. This risk of causing a fire makes the digital whiteboard a potential source of danger, which in the worst case can lead to major building fires and thus endanger human life.

In close cooperation with JOB GmbH, a device-integrated self-extinguishing system was therefore developed for the Digital House Panel, the main component of which is the “smallest fire extinguisher in the world”, the E-Bulb™ from the JOB Group.
The extinguishing system consists of a small ampoule filled with extinguishing agent that bursts at a certain trigger temperature, releasing the extinguishing agent in the housing and extinguishing the fire immediately. At the same time, the power supply in the appliance is interrupted.
The integrated fire extinguishing system therefore enables fire protection-compliant operation of digital house panels in sensitive areas in accordance with VdS 6024. This significantly minimises the risk of a device fire in escape and rescue routes, for example, and virtually eliminates the risk of fire spreading through electrical devices.
Are you planning to use digital media technology? Then please contact us!