FAQ and Support
In our Support Center you will find answers to your questions, helpful videos and blog posts on how to use SiteKiosk as well as support from SiteKiosk experts for your project.

Find an answer
Here you will find the answers to common questions about the software and licenses.

Get Started Quickly with Video Tutorials
In these tutorials, you'll learn how to create and preview your first project with SiteKiosk Online in five easy steps.
Comprehensive help documentation
The SiteKiosk documentation gives you a comprehensive overview of all features our software has to offer. If you want to learn more about how you can customize SiteKiosk according to your needs, please also visit our Developer Blog.
Get Help from our Experts
If you have any questions regarding the operation of the content management system (CMS), interactive content or the operation of the kiosk software in general, our support team is here for you to provide experienced assistance in all technical issues.
Software – Download
In the download section you will find the full version of SiteKiosk for Windows, Android and Server. A license, which can be purchased in our shop, is required to remove shareware notices. Previous versions of SiteKiosk can be found in the version history.
Documents – Download
Here we provide you with documentation such as product brochures, price lists, guides and case studies.