Support Request: Download issue


We have had kiosks in use for the public for quite some time at Sonoma Superior Court. Recently we had to block access to URLs other than those specified in the configuration. Immediately thereafter, we became unable to download files from in order for clients to review and print.

I changed the download directory in both chrome and in SiteKiosk, added the URL for files and I’m still getting the SiteKiosk security block message whenever we try to download the completed fill-in file for the listed site.

I have attached the two configuration files I have been testing, along with the log files for today’s testing.

Please advise. Thank you.

Answer: (1)

Re: Download issue 25/07/2024 16:03

Thank you for your inquiry. SiteKiosk Classic 9.8 is no longer supported. With this version, the behavior of the PDF Viewer is dfferent from the current version. It does required that the PDF file is downloaded before being viewed. In addition to this scenario of Surfing Area block, permission with a wild card mask (* - asterisk) to the local folder is needed.

This is the main issue: "According to the surf area rules the navigation to file://C:/Users/SiteKiosk/Documents/[Obscured].pdf was canceled."

Adding a Surfing Area rule for "file://C:/Users/SiteKiosk/Documents/*" (current Downloads folder) will work for any PDF files being viewed. Alternatively, you can test with the current viersion, where PDF files are viewed from the websource before being downloaded by the user. You may still need this rule for after the file is downloaded.

Customize Chrome Browser>>Downloads>>File Actions has an entry that PDF files are opened in SiteKiosk automatically. When updating SiteKiosk, "Config.xml" that has any customized File Manager rules will be overwritten. Direct path is C:\Program Files (x86)\SiteKiosk\Skins\Public\Media\FileManager\XML .

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