Ticket ID: 26715
Creation Date: 24/07/2024 21:27
Product: SiteKiosk Classic Windows
Attachment: -
TicketType: Support Request
Version: 9.8.5779
Language: English
Views: 3039
Last Modification Date: 22/08/2024 16:07
Level: Closed
Support Request: Download issue
We have had kiosks in use for the public for quite some time at Sonoma Superior Court. Recently we had to block access to URLs other than those specified in the configuration. Immediately thereafter, we became unable to download files from
https://california-efm.tylertech.cloud/SRL/ in order for clients to review and print.
I changed the download directory in both chrome and in SiteKiosk, added the URL for files and I’m still getting the SiteKiosk security block message whenever we try to download the completed fill-in file for the listed site.
I have attached the two configuration files I have been testing, along with the log files for today’s testing.
Please advise. Thank you.