Support Request: Turn off the device for the night


How better to turn off the device for the night, for example, from 22:00 to 08:00.
I found an option at Settings -> Scheduled tasks, but there is only "Shutdown the client", but no power-on function.
How to do it better and more correctly?

Answer: (1)

Re: Turn off the device for the night 18/06/2024 10:49

SiteKiosk cannot start the computer after you have shut down Windows.
If you want the computer to reboot after a certain period of having been shut down, recommend that you use any ordinary time switch.
Example: You set the time for daily shutdowns to 6pm, and the computer shuts down. Set the time switch in such a way that the power will be cut off at 6.05pm. The PC is now turned off. The time switch will turn the computer back on at, for instance, 9pm. To ensure the computer will start back up, go to your BIOS settings and look for the setting that tells the computer how to act after a power failure and ensure that the computer will boot up. The computer boots up and launches SiteKiosk automatically. The time switch, thereby, guarantees that the computer will only run without your personnel intervening at the times you specify.
If you are running a computer of the later generation, you should be able find options for booting the computer in your BIOS settings. You will usually have the option to configure on which days of the weeks and at what times the computer is supposed to turn on automatically. You will, however, need an ATX board to have this option. You will not need a time switch if this is the case.

Alternatively, you can use the Sleep & Wake function

Michael Olbrich
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