FAQ: Microsoft Edge starts automatically - Error message of the Edge browser


SiteKiosk blocks (for security reasons) the start of the Edge browser from Microsoft.

On 6 January 2022, Microsoft released an Edge browser update that caused the Edge browser to be launched every time a Windows user logged on (even if the user was not an admin).

This caused either an error message of the Edge browser to be displayed in the Auto Start mode of SiteKiosk or the Edge browser to be started in older SiteKiosk versions (as these SiteKiosk versions only block the start of the older Edge versions before Microsoft switched the browser engine to Chromium).

Even though the launch of the Edge browser itself has been deactivated by another Edge update on January 13, 2022 (for Edge version 97.0.1072.62), we have made sure that the error message of the Edge browser will no longer appear in the SiteKiosk user account (Auto Start) with SiteKiosk version 9.9.6084, which has now been released.

Download: https://www.sitekiosk.com/software-downloads/#SiteKiosk%20Windows
Version History: https://www.sitekiosk.com/sitekiosk-windows-version-history/

If you are using a SiteKiosk version prior to 9.9.6084, it is best to update.
Information about the update here:

If an update is not possible, follow these steps to assign the new security settings to the SiteKiosk user:
Leave SiteKiosk by logging out of the SiteKiosk user account via the exit dialogue and log in with an administrator user. Then download and unzip this "swconfig.zip" file.

Copy the included files "swconfig.xml" and " stringtable.xml" into the "SystemSecurity" directory in the SiteKiosk folder (default: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SiteKiosk\SystemSecurity").

Then open the System Security Manager, leave the preselection set to "Protected" and confirm with OK.
Afterwards, you can start SiteKiosk in Auto Start mode again.

The System Security Manager is installed with SiteKiosk and can be found in the Windows start menu in the SiteKiosk folder.

If this procedure does not solve the problem, you can find more information about this behavior and a description of how to deactivate the start of Edge by changing a registry entry:

Answer: (1)

Re: Microsoft Edge starts automatically 17/01/2022 16:00
Solution via SiteRemote:
On our SiteRemote server at https://www.siteremote.net you will find a corresponding job template (>SiteKiosk>Jobs>Job Templates>Fix for Edge Update Problem January 2022) that you can send to your SiteKiosk clients with SiteKiosk 9.9.6014 to block the Edge error message.

If you run your own SiteRemote server, you can proceed as follows:

First download this patcher file

Then create a new job template (5 steps):
1. Select the action type "File Upload" in which you upload the patcher file to SiteRemote.
for the target path.

2. Select the action type "Execute Script", activate the option "Script requires SiteKiosk Object" and enter the following line in the input field.


This step is optional and only needs to be applied if the SiteKiosk user is currently logged on to the client computer.

3. Select the action type "Delay execution of the next step" and select 2 minutes to give the user time to log off

4. Select the action type "Run executable".
for the command line.

5. Select the action type "Operating system command" with "Restart".
If SiteKiosk was in auto start mode when the problem occurred, SiteKiosk should be run again after restarting the computer.
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