
A basic scheme for SiteKiosk Online Client - Server communication can be found here:

- Ports used on the SiteKiosk Online client:
The SiteKiosk Online client only communicates with the SiteKiosk Online server via TCP port 443 (outgoing) e.g. https://sitekiosk.online =
The connection is initiated by the client and the content is loaded from the server when the project is published.
For encryption, https and wss (secure websocket) are used.

Only if the option to distribute files to the machines via secure HTTP (HTTPS) has been deactivated in the team:
For the SiteKiosk Online File Manager > 52138 TCP (outgoing) for direct peer-to-peer connections 59577 TCP (outgoing) and the Teredo ports mentioned below.
Note: SiteKiosk Android clients always use the HTTPS variant via TCP Port 443.

- Ports used if you operate your own SiteKiosk Online On-Premise Server:
For communication between the SiteKiosk Online terminals and the server and for accessing the website: TCP Port 443 (incoming)
The connection is initiated by the client and https and wss (secure websocket) are used for encryption.

Only if the option to distribute files to the machines via secure HTTP (HTTPS) has been deactivated in the team: For the SiteKiosk Online File Manager > 52138 TCP (inbound)

For sending e-mails (if an optional e-mail server has also been set up on the same server):
25 SMTP (outgoing)

Answer: (1)

Re: SITEKIOSK ONLINE PORTS 20/11/2024 11:57
Only applies to SiteKiosk Online Windows Clients prior to version 1.1.xxxx - for VNC:
An optional VNC connection to the clients can be established via the SiteKiosk Online server as a repeater or by establishing a direct connection to the client (Teredo).

- Client
For the repeater variant, TCP 5500 outgoing, UDP 55901 outgoing and UDP 55900 incoming must be allowed.
For the Teredo variant, the SiteKiosk Online Client must be allowed to use at least UDP 3544 outbound, then you can connect directly to machines in your own network.
If you want to reach machines outside your own network, outgoing UDP traffic must be allowed completely.

- Server
To use the repeater variant for SiteKiosk Online Windows clients prior to version 1.1.xxxx via the SiteKiosk Online server, you must allow the following ports on the server:
5901 TCP inbound (VNC viewer port)
5500 TCP incoming (VNC server port)
55901 UDP inbound (controller port)
55900 UDP outgoing (CtS blackboard)

Prior to SiteKiosk Online version 1.1, you need the UVNC client (viewer) on the PC from which you are establishing the VNC connection; this requires 5901 TCP outbound.
Since SiteKiosk Online version 1.1, this is no longer necessary as the VNC access is web-based and can be started in the browser without having to install an additional application (prerequisite is the SKO Client v1.1).
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