Support Anfrage: Watchdog Doesn't Recognize SiteKiosk is Running & Restarts Active Sessions


After a clean install of SiteKiosk Classic version 9.9.6744, Watchdog doesn't seem to recognize that SiteKiosk is running because it restarts active sessions every 30 seconds (or every 60 seconds if I modify the Watchdog timeout setting). I do not experience this issue with SiteKiosk Classic version 9.7.5324 using the same installation method and configuration on the same client device. I've been reading the FAQ and Support Forums, but have not been able to find a solution to stop Watchdog from restarting active sessions at the Watchdog timeout interval. Aside from these restarts during active sessions, SiteKiosk 9.9.6744 seems to be operating and functioning correctly.

Antwort: (8)

Re: Watchdog Doesn't Recognize SiteKiosk is Running & Restarts Active Sessions 12.08.2024 15:28

Thank you for your inquiry. You can try a new configuration to confirm that the restart is not configuration related. If is not, then changes (over time) to the SiteKiosk Classic software may be affected by other features of your network. You can try a default Windows build and then compare if anti-virus software and other security features are affecting how SiteKiosk operates.

If the issue continues, please send the following for further review to support-america(at)
- Configuration - C:\Program Files (x86)\SiteKiosk\Config (*.skcfg files, ignore *.skcfg.local)
- SiteKiosk Log files - C:\Program Files (x86)\SiteKiosk\Logfiles (yyyy-mm-dd.txt files)
- A zip file of SiteKioskNG.log - C:\Users\<your running user>\AppData\Local\Temp (generates when SiteKiosk runs.)
- Current OS version used.

Best regards,
Re: Watchdog Doesn't Recognize SiteKiosk is Running & Restarts Active Sessions 12.08.2024 19:13
This seems to be related... When I check the SiteKiosk log files, I'm seeing this about every 60 seconds:

10 0000 2024-08-09 00:07:04 -0500 [SKNG RootApp] (PID: 8520) App 'App01:contentPlayer:PID 8520' has exited (2147483651).
20 0000 2024-08-09 00:07:04 -0500 [SKNG RootApp] Shutdown root app with exitCode: -1

10 0000 2024-08-09 00:08:12 -0500 [SKNG RootApp] (PID: 4868) App 'App01:contentPlayer:PID 4868' has exited (2147483651).
20 0000 2024-08-09 00:08:12 -0500 [SKNG RootApp] Shutdown root app with exitCode: -1

10 0000 2024-08-09 00:09:20 -0500 [SKNG RootApp] (PID: 11892) App 'App01:contentPlayer:PID 11892' has exited (2147483651).
20 0000 2024-08-09 00:09:20 -0500 [SKNG RootApp] Shutdown root app with exitCode: -1

10 0000 2024-08-09 00:10:28 -0500 [SKNG RootApp] (PID: 9820) App 'App01:contentPlayer:PID 9820' has exited (2147483651).
20 0000 2024-08-09 00:10:28 -0500 [SKNG RootApp] Shutdown root app with exitCode: -1

10 0000 2024-08-09 00:11:36 -0500 [SKNG RootApp] (PID: 3096) App 'App01:contentPlayer:PID 3096' has exited (2147483651).
20 0000 2024-08-09 00:11:36 -0500 [SKNG RootApp] Shutdown root app with exitCode: -1
Re: Watchdog Doesn't Recognize SiteKiosk is Running & Restarts Active Sessions 12.08.2024 20:17

Thank you for update. Those logs are do match what you are observing but they do not reveal the true cause of the issue. We can test other factors to try to isolate this issue. You can test a new configuration to confirm stability. If the issue persists, then it is possibly system related. Creating a VM or testing on another device may help to identify. Say, if you are on a domain, you would test off domain to verify.

Best regards,
Re: Watchdog Doesn't Recognize SiteKiosk is Running & Restarts Active Sessions 13.08.2024 05:29
I performed fresh installations of Provisio SiteKiosk Classic version 9.9.6744 and went through each of my installation and configuration steps individually. The issue occurs after copying the most recent Chromium Embedded Framework that I downloaded and extracted from here: I've tested and confirmed this on two separate devices with different start pages and configuration files. This is the method I used to automate/perform the copies:

robocopy.exe "%~dp0Config\SiteKioskWindowsClassic_ChromiumCEF\Chromium" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\SiteKiosk\Chromium" /IT /XX /NFL /NDL /r:1 /w:2

robocopy.exe "%~dp0Config\SiteKioskWindowsClassic_ChromiumCEF\SiteKioskNG" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\SiteKiosk\SiteKioskNG" /IT /XX /NFL /NDL /r:1 /w:2

I manually verified that the copies completed successfully. I'm currently overwriting files and folders in the destination, but also leaving the existing destination files and folders intact (if not present in the source). Should I be removing the destination folders completely before performing the copy?
Re: Watchdog Doesn't Recognize SiteKiosk is Running & Restarts Active Sessions 13.08.2024 15:08

Thank you for the update. It seems the method used to copy the files is causing the issue. PowerShell is the only native utility that you can use to unzip this file to the destination folder without issue. I have tested this command repeatedly without errors. Can you test with this?

$SiteKioskChromiumUpgradeFileLocation = "C:\.....\"
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $SiteKioskChromiumUpgradeFileLocation -DestinationPath "C:\Program Files (x86)\SiteKiosk" -Force 

Note: Our support does not assist with free coding solutions and this example is provided as-is.

The command above will replace the files in the destination folder. You can remove the two ReadMe files in the ZIP file, or they will be included in the transfer.

Best regards,
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