Ticket ID: 26720
Erstellungsdatum: 08.08.2024 23:56
Produkt: SiteKiosk Classic Windows
Anhang: -
Tickettyp: Support Anfrage
Version: 9.9.6744
Sprache: Englisch
Aufrufe: 4478
Letzte Änderung: 06.09.2024 22:08
Level: Geschlossen
Support Anfrage: SecureVNCPlugin authentication failed (no plugin interface available)
After installing SiteKiosk Classic version 9.9.6744 with the extracted SiteKiosk.msi using the following command line "msiexec.exe /I SiteKiosk.msi /qb!- /l* c:\temp\kiosk.log DEFAULTPASSWD=****", I receive the following error message when trying to access the client from SiteRemote (version with VNC viewer: "Secure VNCPlugin authentication failed (no plugin interface available)". I do not receive the error message and VNC viewer works correctly from the same SiteRemote server when installing SiteKiosk Classic version 9.7.5324 using the same method on the same client device. Was there a change with VNC Viewer between SiteKiosk Classic version 9.7.5324 and 9.9.6744 that could cause this? Is there a way to remedy this without installing UVNCClientInstaller.exe separately?